For those of you whom are new to the principle of Feng shui and its miraculous benefits, let me first explain exactly what it is. Feng shui is a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi), and whose favourable or unfavourable effects are taken into account when designing or decorating interiors. Certain parts of your home govern certain aspects of your life ordering to Feng shui principles. If you are interested in increasing money and abundance in your life, you will find below the particular elements of your home that are influenced by Feng shui to maximize your manifesting abilities.
First and foremost, on every Feng Shui to-do list is always de-cluttering, and there is a great reason for that. If we think of good Chi as being like water in a stream: constantly flowing and moving around, the only thing that stops the flow of water is a dam. Clutter is what creates a dam-like effect in our space. Instead of allowing the Chi to move around freely, all that energy gets blocked up. That means results in an energy imbalance: too much energy in one zone and not enough in another.
Fix Any Leaky Faucets
Water is highly symbolic of money energy. So, make sure you are aware of any possible leaks, and get them fixed at your earliest convenience. Leaky faucets or pipes cause the same things to happen to your bank accounts: a slow leak. So always make sure your plumbing is on point.
Clean The Front Door of Your Home
The front door is where Chi energy enters your space. So not only should your door be able to open and move freely but it should also be visually appealing. That means giving it a quick clean (honestly, when was the last time it was cleaned?). Or try taking this a step further and give the door a fresh new coat of paint. Don’t forget about any fly screens that may be on your front door too!
Replace Burnt Out Light Bulbs
Burnt out lightbulbs translate into dimmed energy. Chi loves light! So burnt out bulbs become an energy repellent. So don’t put off changing your bulbs. Keep your future financial possibilities bright by always having extra bulbs on hand and switch them out as soon as you notice burnt bulbs.
Add Some Plants
Since plants are living things, they automatically attract Chi energy as well as creating a symbol of abundance. While any full leafy plant is a great choice, jade plants are the traditional choice for attracting wealth. Be sure to always remove dead plants, as they create big Chi blocks. Also placing your plants next to any area where water drains is particularly beneficial. Think, flushing toilets, bath, shower and next to sinks.
Put The Toilet Seat Down
Again, water is highly attractive to money vibrations and even something like flushing the toilet is something you need to be careful around. However, this one is easily solved: just put the toilet seat down before flushing. Also placing a live plant next to the toilet is an excellent remedy in this area.
Clean Your Windows
Windows are the eyes of the home and dirty windows can symbolically cloud your vision. Do you need a new perspective on a situation in your life? Then clean your windows! It also helps attract new opportunities back into your life so it’s always a win-win.
Add Some Gold or Purple
Gold and purple are ideal colour choices for attracting wealth and abundance. But you don’t need to redecorate completely to work with them. Try adding a small gold figurine to your wealth zone (the farthest left corner from your front door). Purple — the traditional colour of royalty — can be represented by something like a beautiful amethyst crystal.
Mirror Placement
Mirrors offer not only a view of yourself but also of your financial picture. Mirrors are another water element so they are excellent for attracting wealth and prosperity. But try to keep them out of the bedroom (they can provide too much energy which results in poor sleep quality). A great place in Feng shui for a mirror is next to the dining table, ensuring you can see the reflection of it in the mirror.
Clean Stove Top
A clean but well-used stove is another ancient symbol of your financial stability and prosperity. The key here is to keep it clean! and — if you’re not already in the habit — try making yourself some healthy food a few times a week. Use different burners every time you cook to help move the Chi around.
If you are able to implement even a few of these few easy to-do steps, you will be well on your way to attracting more money and abundance into your life!
Happy manifesting!