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An Elder Millennials Experience
Fifteen years ago, no one would believe where I am today. You see, back in those days I was a drug addict. You name it, I was into it, and it wasn’t just explicit drugs, it was prescription drugs too.
In the past I have been diagnosed with depression, bi-polar, post traumatic stress syndrome and anxiety. I have been on and off different meds for these conditions since I was thirteen years old for the better part of a decade.
A psychiatrist told me that because of the amount of severe trauma I’ve experienced well into my twenties, that I would need to be on medication for the rest of my life, because there would be no other treatment that would enable me to function as a normal human being.
Now I’m telling you all of this to give you a background story, and to give you a sense of the type of history I’ve managed to not only overcome, but now thrive, flourish and prosper.
Clearly my life wasn’t always peaches to say the very least, but 22 years on, I can honestly say I am the happiest, most secure and stable I’ve ever been. Currently, I now live amongst the treetops with mountain views, only fifteen minutes from the beach in our own stunning home, with the most amazing husband a girl could ever dream of. I now drive the car I’d had my eye on from minute I saw it, and most of all I married the perfect man of my dreams and had our honeymoon in one of the most idyllic settings in the world.
Also I’d like to point out that I have actually now been given a clear bill of mental health by my psychiatrist, with her debating if I ever even actually had these mental conditions in the first place. What’s more, to her astonishment, I have managed to get to this state all of my own accord.
There are a myriad of other physical ailments that I have also overcome, after all physical and mental well-being are often intertwined, but I’ll cover those in another blog article.
So, now you see, that you CAN transform your life! All it takes is a desire, willingness, learning to love yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally, a little guidance and know how. If you follow my articles regularly, you will gain all the guidance and key elements to creating your perfect dream life that you will ever need to know.
For now I will just focus on covering some of the key facets of my transformational journey that have led me to where I am today, which is living the life I only ever dreamed of back in those formative years.
My transformational journey all started in my early twenties. This was a period of time when I felt beyond lost and as a result I was desperately searching for answers. I scoured the internet in hopes of some miraculous solution to all of my problems. I almost gave up, feeling even more deflated and defeated then I already was, and then as if by divine intervention I came across a book by Louise Hay. It was called, You Can Heal Your Life.
Slowly but surely, I got through the book, and it was as if all of these pieces were falling into place. It resonated with me on such a fundamentally core level. I would certainly say that the old adage, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”, is true. It is one of the many universal laws. Maybe that’s why you found this article?
Anyway, through the use of all of the helpful healing practices I discovered in this book, I slowly started to shift and remove the blockages in my life, heal from my past and begin anew.
Now this didn’t happen overnight, I had a great deal to work through, but I did it, and still implement some of Louise Hay’s strategies in my life to this present day.
The discovery of Louise Hay’s book was certainly the start of my transformational journey, which gave me a thirst to seek out further guidance from various sources.
It was from this stage that I started the process of manifesting. Now, I want to mention that I didn’t actually read the book, The Secret, until a few years ago, but I was already implementing a various number of strategies to work towards creating my perfect dream life, which I am currently living.
First of all, I started implementing the principles of Feng Shui, to magnify my desired manifestations. Again, I will cover more in depth my exact processes and practices in a subsequent blog post article, but for now I will cover the preliminaries.
It was after implementing the principles of Feng Shui to where I was living at the time that I sat down and really, I mean really thought about my dream life. I envisioned what it looked like, felt like, even smelt like in all of its various aspects. Now to be VERY clear on this, it is extremely important to decide on exactly what it is that you want, because honestly the universe is always listening! And it will always deliver! A perfect example of this in my life was that the only thing I was undecided on was the colour of my future husbands eyes. Sounds trivial I know! But hear me out! I had learnt the lesson of being exceptionally specific this time round because I had learnt through previous experiences, if you don’t cover the details they get lost in translation.
So, as I was saying, I couldn’t decide what colour eyes I’d prefer my future husband to have, I was tossing up between, dark brown and green, but I hadn’t distinctively made a decision.
So take a guess what the universe delivered? Low and behold, you guessed it! My husband has one beautiful dark brown eye, and one beautiful green eye!
The purpose of sharing that story, although it’s certainly not a bad story by any means, is to again illustrate how crucial it is to fine tune the details of your desires, because I promise you, that the universe will certainly deliver!
For more information, and finer details of the exact processes and practices I’ve used throughout my transformational journey to creating my dream life be sure to check back regularly for my latest blog article.
I sincerely hope that wherever you are in your journey that this article has inspired hope that you can change and heal your current situation or circumstances. There is always hope, so I encourage you to dare to dream!