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Whenever your feeling stuck, unmotivated or lacking direction you can turn to these inspirational guidance tips to help reset your mind, body and soul.
When things are amiss in my life I know that my personal energy & the energy around me needs to cleared in order to be open & receptive to the new. Follow the Inspirational guidance steps below for my process to be awakened to a fresh new burst of positive inspirational energy.
- Start the day with a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
The scent of lemon also has mood enhancing and energising properties. The smell of lemon juice can brighten your mood and help clear your mind. Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.
- Aromatherapy
Change your state of mind & induce a sense of renewed clarity with aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is most efficient when inhaling essential oils from a tissue, diffusing them in a vaporiser, or adding them to your bathwater. The aroma sends a signal, directly through our senses, which in turn influences our emotions. Aromatherapy can help to lift depression, soothe irritable nerves and generally encourage a better state of mind. This is why essential oils have such a powerful effect on our moods and general state of mind. Relaxing oils such as lavender, sweet marjoram, clary sage, sandalwood, frankincense & ylang ylang work by stimulating a neuro-chemical called serotonin that is naturally produced by the body to help relaxation.
- Bath
Take an Epsom salt bath with aromatherapy oils to help further clear any unwanted negative energies.
Follow this nurturing relaxation recipe to soothe the soul & drain away negative energy to leave you feeling refreshed & renewed.
Fill a bath & add some Epsom salts, mix in a good 10 drops of rose geranium pure aromatherapy oil & 10 drops of lavender oil. This combination is like magic & will soothe your cares away. If you don’t have a bath you can still benefit from the magic of this aromatherapy blend by putting a few drops of each in the corner of the shower. Let the fragrant steam permeate your senses & visualise all the negative energy washing away as the water cascades down your body.
- Salt Lamps
If you don’t own a salt lamp, I would suggest you invest in one. I have 6 around my house & I couldn’t live without them. Not only are they gorgeous but the benefits are manyfold.
Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions into the air, which purify & can help reduce anxiety & encourage a relaxing atmosphere. Once negative ions reach the bloodstream, they’re believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping alleviate depression, relieve stress & boost daytime energy.
- Yoga
Moving your body is a great way to get energy flowing through again. Yoga is particularly good as it focuses on moving stagnant energy through & out of the body.
- Meditation
Meditation is great for de-stressing and to clearing any mental or emotional blocks that may be present. By stilling & calming your mind you create more space for energy to flow.
- Oracle Cards
After clearing all the old stagnant negative energy in your body & surroundings you’ve now cleared the way for inspirational guidance to come through. Now is a good time to affirm “I am open & receptive to receive the loving inspirational guidance that I am seeking”.
I love to use oracle cards to help guide me with this process. By the law of attraction, you will only draw messages that are meant for you & your situation. Trust the process, go with the flow & enjoy it. My personal favourites at the moment are the magical mermaids & dolphin’s oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue.
- Journal
Now that all old energies are cleared & you’ve opened yourself up to receive inspirational loving guidance it is the perfect time to write in a journal. Write down any images, or flashes of inspiration that come to you at this time & follow through.
Trust the process & enjoy!